Monday 8 February 2016

Konya, the city of the Believer


When we say the word "Konya" the very first thing that will come to our mind will be Sufism. Yes it is, but not only that...

In the programme that I've joined last week, they took us to a huge Science Centre. It has almost the same function with Petroscience in Malaysia. The centre that oficially open last year is so huge and have many different department. The section that I love the most is the history of science section, it was like an exhabition that introduce us to the scholars back in the history where majority of them is the pioneers in their specific field of knowledge which open the way for further reasearch in the future. Apart from that, there is also geography, physics, chemical and biology section. All of the sections is made in the way that all visitors, not looking at their ages, can enjoy the tour at the same time learning new facts in an easy, simple and informative way... I bet parents also should enter too, as it make them feel younger :)

After that, we were brought to Butterfly Park which remind me of my hometown. It is a closed park with a controled temperature  in it in order to suite a perfect atmosphere for the butterflies and tropical plants growth inside it. In the other word, they succesfuly made an artificial tropical climate which is 30 degree hot and humid at the same time. For south asian people, we are used to this kind of weather and temperature, but for europe people, you have to trust me you will feel like living in stove inside it :P

Inside the park, you can see man made waterfall, parrot!, beautiful butterfly, small cinema that play a short catoon film on the live of butterfly, and there are display section which show the life cycle of various type of butterfly in a preserved way. While walking through the sections you will come across small reminder note which says "if you want me (butterfly to live long) please preserve the nature" and a couple of time you will see quran verses that remind visitors to contemplate on His creation and praise Him :) When my friend first found it she said "Betullah Konya Bandar Beriman"... (It is true that Konya is the city of the believer)...

To close up... inspite Konya is known from it sufism treasure that make us feel calm remembering Allah, there is also place where we will feel humble contemplating on His creation :)

Yes.. Konya is the city of the believer :)

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